Rev. Carolyn D. Perrin was called into ministry at the age of twenty-two. She was born and raised in a spiritual home of nurturing and love for OUR LORD and Savior.
Rev. Perrin is an educator, author, community activist, associate minister, wife, mother, and seeker of God’s children. She is the wife of Pastor Archie D. Perrin, Jr. and the mother of Katim, Courtney, Angela, and Marcy. Her degrees and certifications include a B.S in Elementary Education with a concentration in Art, Masters in Reading Education, certifications as Principal, and Assistant Superintendent, she also has an Associates degree in Applied Science. She is a dissertation shy of a doctorate. She has served as a teacher, literacy coach, elementary and middle school principal, and as a site manager for three elementary schools’ after-school tutoring programs. She has an anointing for God’s people; men, women, boys, girls; and all children across all age groups, nationalities, ethnic groups, and cultures. Rev Perrin has earned several degrees, and numerous certifications, and plaques designating “firsts.” She also serves as vacation bible school director for 250-300 children, as youth choir director, youth bible study teacher, youth Sunday school teacher, conference speaker, and associate minister.
She was born into a life of meager beginnings, and epitomizes the faithfulness of a loving God, to those who love and trust Him.
Rev. Carolyn D. Perrin shares God’s word through practical applications of daily discernments imparted to her by the Holy Spirit as she was challenged to go into early morning meditations. “The Morning Meditation” series is a result of her “morning prayer and praise sessions.” There are two volumes to this series, Morning Meditation with my Lord, Vol. 1, and “Another Day of Meditations”, Vol. 2.